Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What is an Arctic Skua?

What do you know?
WHen I was reading a section from Julie and the Wolves, I came across the name of a bird , Arctic Skua , and had no clue what type of bird this was. In my web search for something else, I discovered what an Arctic Skua is. Enjoy. (To access site, Highlight URL, right click on mouse, left click on web search, wait 2 secs.) I am not sure why sometimes my links work this way and sometimes a totally different way!!

When you come across any topic in the novel that peaks your interest or are unsure of what it is, make a note of it, do some research on the web and share it on our blog. When we share information, we are collaborating.


  1. We noticed that the arctic skua sounds just like the seagulls around here. They not only steal from other birds, but from us humans when we picnic at the beach!

  2. We have Grey Jays that steal food from unattended our picnic lunches. A Grey Jay is like a Blue Jay.
    Last year we noticed magpies in our area for the first time. We think this is due to climate change- warmer weather, because the year before we noticed turkey vultures from the far south that we have never had before either.
